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  • How do I pop your popcorn?
    There are number of devices you can use to pop our popcorn. However, here are two simple ways to pop our popcorn with items you probably already have in your kitchen: STOVETOP: Heat 2-3 tablespoons of oil in a large pot over medium heat (Papa prefers coconut oil). Put two or three "test" kernels in the oil and wait for them to pop. Once the "test" kernels pop, pour 1/2 cup of kernels into the pot and cover with a lid. Shake the pot continuously as the popcorn pops. Remove from heat once popping slows to avoid burning popcorn. Be careful when removing lid as some popping may continue after removing pot from the heat. Transfer into a serving bowl, add butter and salt (or your favorite seasoning). MICROWAVE: Pour 1/2 cup of kernels into a brown paper bag or silicone bowl made specifically for popping corn. Close bag and microwave on high for 2-3 minutes. Listen to the popcorn and once popping slows down, remove from microwave to avoid burning the popcorn.
  • Do you have any great recipes for your popcorn?
    Kettle Corn: Ingredients 1/4 cup of oil (Papa prefers coconut oil) 1/2 cup popcorn kernels 1/3 cup sugar 3/4 teaspoon salt Directions Heat 2-3 tablespoons of oil in a large pot over medium heat (Papa prefers coconut oil). Put two or three "test" kernels in the oil, place lid on pot and wait for them to pop. Once the “test” kernels pop, add the popcorn and sugar. Give the kernels a quick stir and then cover with a lid. Once the popcorn starts popping, carefully pick the pot up and give it a quick shake every few seconds until the popping slows down, between 2-3 minutes. Remove immediately from the heat and immediately pour the kettle corn into a large bowl. Sprinkle with salt and serve immediately. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Old Fashioned Caramel Corn: This is Cindy's go-to recipe (and most requested by all)! Ingredients 7 quarts of popped corn (use enough to fill a roasting pan) 2 cups of brown sugar 1 cup of margarine or butter 1/2 cup of white corn syrup 1 teaspoon of salt 1 teaspoon of vanilla 1/2 teaspoon of baking soda Directions Pop the popcorn and set aside in large pan (I use a roasting pan that you'd bake a ham or turkey in). Measure into a saucepan the brown sugar, margarine or butter, corn syrup and salt and bring to a boil over medium heat. Allow to boil over medium heat for one minute. Take off heat and stir vanilla and baking soda (stir well--it will foam up). Pour over the freshly popped corn and strir well. Place in a 250* oven and bake for one hour, stirring corn two or three ties during the baking. Remove from oven after one hour and cool enough to handle. Caramel corn can be easily seperated and stored in tightly covered containers. In a hurry? You can make this in the microwave! Combine caramel ingredients as directed for stovetop in a microwave safe bowl and microwave on high for 2 minutes. Stir, then microwave another 2 minutes, until boiling. Immediately stir in baking soda and vanilla and pour over popcorn which has been placed in a large brown paper bag or microwave safe bowl. Shake vigorously and microwave for 1 minute. Shake vigorously again and microwave for another 45-60 seconds. Open the bag and pour onto wax paper and allow to cool to harden. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Cinnamon Corn: This recipe comes from and we think it's pretty wonderful! Ingredients 1/2 cup popcorn kernels 1 cup of butter 1/2 cup light corn syrup 1 (9oz) bag of red hot candies Directions Pop the corn using your chosen popping method. Put the popped corn on a cookie cooling rack on a cookie sheet so that the unpopped kernels fall out and don’t get in the mix. Put the popped corn in a large bowl. In a saucepan on the stove, bring to boil the butter, corn syrup and red hot candies. Boil for 5 minutes stirring constantly until the red hots have become part of the liquid syrup mixture. Pour the hot liquid syrup mixture over the popped corn and stir it until all of the popcorn is coated. Pour the coated popcorn onto a large cookie sheet that has been greased. Place in preheated oven set at 250 degrees. Stir every 15 minutes for 1 hour while in the oven. After an hour, pour the popcorn out onto wax paper and let cool. Enjoy! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Cheddar Corn: Ingredients 1/2 cup popcorn kernels 4 tablespoons of melted butter 3/4 cup of cheddar cheese powder 2 teaspoons of ground mustard powder Salt to taste Directions Pop the corn using your chosen popping method. Transfer the popped corn into a big bowl with a lid or a big brown bag. Melt the butter and pour over the popcorn. Shake the popcorn to ensure all is coated with the melted butter. Add the dry cheese and ground mustard to the popcorn. Shake again ensuring all of the dry ingredients cover the popcorn. Salt to taste. Microwave for approximately 30 seconds to dry the popcorn mix. Enjoy! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Popcorn Pudding Ingredients Two quarts of freshly popped corn 3 pints of sweet milk 3 well-beaten eggs salt & sugar to taste nutmeg (optional) Directions Soak 2 quarts of freshly popped corn in 3 pints of sweet milk overnight. When ready to bake, add three well-beaten eggs, a little salt and sugar to taste. Preheat oven to 325 degrees F. Pour egg mixture into approx. 6 custard cups; sprinkle tops with nutmeg. Place cups in a baking pan and fill pan with enough hot water to reach halfway up the sides of the custard cups. Bake in the preheated oven until custards are set, about 1 hour. Cool completely.
  • What's the nutritional information?
    Air-popped popcorn has only approximately 30 calories per cup; oil-popped popcorn has only approximately 35 calories per cup. Popcorn, when lightly buttered, is about 80 calories per cup. A one-cup serving of air-popped, unbuttered popcorn contributes the following to your diet: Water: 0.265 g Energy: 30.8 kcal Protein: 1.03 g Total lipid (fat): 0.362 g Carbohydrate: 6.2 g Dietary fiber: 1.15 g Sugars: 0.07 g Calcium: 0.56 mg Iron: 0.254 mg Magnesium: 11.4 mg Phosphorus: 28.6 mg Potassium: 26.2 mg Sodium: 13 mg Cholesterol: 0 mg
  • Is your popcorn non-GMO?
    Yes, our popcorn is non-GMO. In fact, all popcorn is non-GMO!
  • Do you have fundraising opportunities?
    Yes, Papa Baldy's does offer opportunites to sell our Poppin' Snacks for fundraising events! We love working with school groups and other non-profits AND we can even create personalized labels to fit your group's theme. It's simple, really. We give you order sheets featuring our Papa Baldy's Poppin' Snacks options. Your group pre-sells our products for a pre-arranged delivery date. Sales end two weeks prior to delivery day and you submit the totals to us. We will package, label and deliver your orders to your single location. It’s easy for you, and easy for the students! Both parents and friends will be delighted to purchase a unique Kansas product that provides excellent profit margins and is different from what every other kid on the block is selling. Papa Baldy's Poppin' Snacks are the perfect items for a fundraiser and it's something most anyone would buy! Feel free to contact us today for pricing information and to set it up!
  • What is the shelf life for Papa Baldy's popcorn?
    You are always receiving popcorn from our most recent harvest! If properly stored it will taste farm fresh for up to 18 months before popping.
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